Is This for You

When should you see a fertility specialist?

Some couples seem to get pregnant the moment they decide to have a baby. For others it takes a bit longer; sometimes several months go by before the “magic” happens. But for still others, those months may turn into a year or longer. So when should you seek the care of a fertility specialist?

Here are some signals that it might be time to give us a call here at the Texas Center for Reproductive Health or make an appointment to determine if you may have fertility issues if:

      • Either you or your partner has a history of reproductive issues
      • There is a history of irregular menstrual cycles
      • You or your partner has ever had a sexually transmitted disease
      • You have experienced more than one miscarriage
      • You have been trying to conceive for longer than one year
      • You are over 35 years of age
      • You are feeling stressed or concerned about fertility issues
      • You have ever had or will undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatments
      • You had an extremely early or delayed onset of puberty

A visit to our center can ultimately reduce your stress and help you achieve your desired outcome more quickly. Because we are specialists, we are able to conduct the necessary tests to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment, thus eliminating unnecessary treatments and delays.

Choosing a reproductive endocrinologist

When you choose a reproductive endocrinologist you want someone whose training and expertise allow them to provide the highest level of care. You will want someone who is appropriately trained, experienced, and up to date on the latest medicines and technologies; has a good success rate; and is reputable. Of course, you will also want someone with whom you feel comfortable and whose entire fertility team and staff are supportive, accessible, and compassionate.

Many of Dr. Marynick’s patients have come to him by referrals from past patients. Others have come by recommendations from other physicians and colleagues who know his dedication to his patients and his reputation in the medical field. We invite you to come in and meet Dr. Marynick and the staff to learn more about our qualifications and to see for yourself why so many patients have become a part of our ever-growing family.

So if you are ready to begin the journey, take the first step and schedule an appointment today. Come check out our Thursday Night Fertility Series with Dr. Marynick and Dr. Correa. Make your reservation today