Resource Library

Resource Library

Welcome to our Resource Library. Our goal is to involve you in the process. To better ensure this, we want to provide you with access to information that can better prepare you for your visits, help you understand what to expect along the way, help you identify areas of concern, and more easily formulate questions. Following is a listing of organizations and information designed to accomplish that. You’ll find a wealth of information on fertility causes, diagnoses, treatments, research, support, clinical trials, and much, much more. And because we want to be sure that you understand that you are not alone on this journey, you’ll also receive support information, including online links, books, and articles that will enlighten you and, in some cases, lighten your day. Not every recommendation will be for you, so please explore and simply take what you like.


TXCRH Brochure
Helpful information about our full-service fertility Center and its advanced capabilities in reproductive care.
Center Brochure

TXCRH Cancer Brochure
Helpful information about our fertility preservation and overall services, for those specifically diagnosed with cancer.
Cancer Brochure


American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
Written for medical practitioners, this site also contains the latest information on fertility, including facts, treatments, and the latest research.

Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology
An affiliate of ASRM, this site has patient-specific pages covering all aspects of ART (assisted reproductive technology).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Recognized as the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people at home and abroad, providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnerships. CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.

The InterNational Council for Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID)
A nonprofit organization committed to using the Internet to provide the most current information regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Society for Male Reproduction and Urology (SMRU)
Mission is to promote the advancement of the understanding of male reproductive physiology and management of male infertility by providing a forum for the dissemination of both basic and clinical research information and support of educational programs.

The Endocrine Society
The Endocrine Society is the world’s largest organization of endocrinologists and is dedicated to promoting excellence in research, education, and clinical practice in the field of endocrinology.

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
A professional medical organization whose mission is to enhance the practice of clinical endocrinology—to create and maintain a society of qualified adult, pediatric, reproductive, and surgical endocrinologists for the coordination of their efforts in furthering the practice of endocrinology. Members of the AACE are physicians with special education, training, and interest in the practice of clinical endocrinology.

American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG)
The nation’s leading group of professionals providing health care for women with a membership of 40,000 physicians. It is a private, voluntary, nonprofit membership organization. It serves as a strong advocate for quality health care for women, maintains the highest standards of clinical practice and continuing education for its members, promotes patient education and stimulating patient understanding of and involvement in medical care, and increases awareness among its members and the public of the changing issues facing women’s health care.

American Pregnancy Association
You will find an abundance of tools, information, resources, community access, even products. They offer help with infertility and pregnancy issues and access to articles, news, and current research.

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP)
A nonprofit, national medical organization whose members are dedicated to educating physicians and other health care providers, their patients, and the public about important reproductive health issues including contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, menopause, urogenital infections, cancer prevention and detection, abortion, sexuality, and infertility.

American Fertility Association
The AFA offers an extensive online library, online webinars, coaching and online expert services, a resource directory, daily fertility news, and more. Membership is free, but you are required to register for an all-access pass to participate in communities and access certain resources.

Resolve, the National Infertility Association
Comprehensive information covering every aspect of infertility, including diagnosis, treatment, family options, public policy, support, and services. It also offers an online support community where there are a variety of discussion groups across a range of topics.


American Fertility Association
We chose this library, hosted by the American Fertility Association, because of its extensive, concise, and easy-to-read information.


Fertile Hope
This site is specifically for cancer-diagnosed patients who want to freeze their eggs or sperm and is a part of LiveStrong dedicated to cancer patients and survivors.

American Cancer Society
Site explains how cancer treatments can affect your fertility and discusses ways to preserve your fertility before you receive treatments.


Approximately 5%-10% of women are affected by PCOS, one of the most common female endocrine disorders. Created by the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, this site offers the latest news, medical information, and updates on the disease and works to bring awareness to communities as well as build them.


Fertility Authority
The more informed a patient is, the better. If nothing else, it opens up conversations between you and us. This site is dedicated to informing both men and women and providing a wealth of knowledge.

Baby Zone
There is a lot of information and support regarding infertility. You’ll find helpful sharing, spirit boosters, links to articles, and medical knowledge. The site also offers lots of useful information for after conception.

The Bump  
Useful information about common fertility tests and treatments, plus member support and advice.

Baby Center 
Get information on preparing your body for pregnancy, fertility issues, testing, and treatment, as well as a support community.

Reproductive Facts
The ASRM site dedicated solely to fertility patients—both men and women. Very up-to-date information, straightforward talk, in plain language. Answers all the questions you’ve ever wanted to ask about the reproductive system, and some you hadn’t even thought of

Fertile Thoughts
A growing, dynamic online Web community designed to support and assist couples throughout infertility treatment and their family-building efforts through adoption.

Child Of My Dreams
A comprehensive online resource that recognizes the relationship between infertility and adoption. Their mission is to help people become parents and to demonstrate that with information, support, and determination you really can have the child of your dreams.

A nonprofit Web site for patient information on trying to conceive. It provides information that is written by patients for patients. Reader participation in materials—such as FAQs recalling personal experiences—is welcome.

Pharmaceutical Resources

Prescription fulfillment of specialty medications, including fertility medications, along with useful resources and information.

Fertility Life Lines
Consumer information on products and services including Gonal-F®, Profasi®, Serophene®, Fertinex™, and Pergonal®.

Manufacturer of infertility medications including Follistim® and Pregnyl®.

Freedom Fertility Pharmacy
One of the largest pharmacies in the United States dispensing fertility medication.

Village Fertility Pharmacy
Pharmacist-owned and operated, this specialty fertility pharmacy is renowned nationwide for its personal service and educational resources.


This major publication delivers something mainstream media rarely does, it breaks the silence on infertility.
This Woman Has a Secret.” Jennifer Wolff Perrine. Self.


“Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility.”
Martha Diamond, PhD., David Diamond, PhD., Janet Jaffe, PhD.

“Infertility Sucks! (Keeping it all together when sperm and egg stubbornly remain apart).”
Beverly Barna

“Infertility Survival Handbook.”
Elizabeth Swire-Falker

“When You’re Not Expecting: An Infertility Survival Guide.”
Constance Hoenk Shapiro

“Navigating the Land of If: Understanding and Exploring Your Options.”
Melissa Ford

“So Close: Infertile and Addicted to Hope.”
Tertia Albertyn

“The Male Biological Clock: The Startling News About Aging Sexuality, and Fertility in Men.”
Harry Fisch, MD, with Stephen Braun

“How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup: A Guy’s Guide to the World of Infertility.”
Greg Wolfe

“Infertility to Family: One Man’s Story”
Rocky DeLorenzo


Fertility issues bring with them their own special set of challenges. Frustration and anger can rear even when you don’t expect it, straining relationships with friends, family, coworkers, strangers, and each other.

During this very trying time we highly recommend joining a support group and/or seeing a professional counselor together and individually. We will be available to make recommendations of experienced reproductive counselors if you would like us to provide this information.


Many of our patients find comfort in the sharings of others who have walked in their shoes. We find these sites to be a step in the right direction: